Tips to Eat Right & Sleep Less for Students

By Siya

Food is more than just a basic necessity; it is the fuel that powers our bodies and minds. The choices we make regarding what we eat can have profound effects on our overall well-being, particularly when it comes to mental and physical performance. This article explores the idea that consuming the right foods can enhance our lives, especially for those who are engaged in activities that require focus and intellectual energy, such as students. We’ll delve into how choosing the appropriate diet, understanding digestion, reducing sleep needs, and opting for simple, natural foods can help you function at your best. Eating right and sleeping less for students

ALSO READ: The Benefits of Mindful Eating and Fasting

Food as Fuel: Understanding the Right Diet

Different activities demand different types of fuel, just like different engines require specific types of fuel to run efficiently. For individuals involved in intellectual pursuits or activities that require sustained concentration, it is crucial to consume foods that provide balanced energy without causing sluggishness. The key is to eat foods that keep the mind steady and alert throughout the day.

Foods that are high in nutrients, such as whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables, can provide this steady energy. These foods are digested slowly, providing a gradual release of energy that can help maintain focus and productivity. On the other hand, foods high in sugar and unhealthy fats can lead to energy spikes followed by crashes, which can impair concentration and overall performance.

Digestion and Inertia: The Impact of How You Eat

The process of digestion begins in the mouth, where enzymes in saliva start breaking down food. Chewing food thoroughly is essential for efficient digestion, as it allows the digestive enzymes to do their job effectively. When food is not chewed properly, the stomach and intestines have to work harder to break it down, which can lead to digestive issues and a feeling of lethargy.

Eating food that is only partially digested or that has been overly processed can also cause the body to expend more energy trying to extract nutrients. This can lead to a state of inertia, where you feel sluggish and tired. By eating slowly and chewing food thoroughly, you can improve digestion and reduce the likelihood of feeling sluggish after meals.

Reducing Sleep Quota: The Role of Food and Posture

The food you eat and how you sit or stand can significantly impact your sleep needs. By making conscious choices about your diet and maintaining proper posture, you can potentially reduce the amount of sleep you need each night. Some people have found that by eating healthier foods and sitting or standing with good posture, they can reduce their sleep needs by up to three hours a night.

This reduction in sleep requirements is attributed to the body’s increased efficiency in processing food and maintaining energy levels throughout the day. When your body is functioning at its best, you may find that you need less sleep to feel rested and alert. This can lead to a more active and focused life, with fewer feelings of fatigue or frustration.

The Importance of Live Food

One of the best ways to maintain high energy levels and reduce the need for sleep is by consuming a significant portion of your diet in its raw, natural state. This includes eating fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and sprouts. These “live” foods are rich in enzymes, vitamins, and minerals that are essential for maintaining high levels of energy and focus.

In contrast, foods that are heavily processed or overcooked lose many of their beneficial nutrients. This “dead” food can increase feelings of inertia, making you feel sluggish and reducing your alertness. By incorporating more live foods into your diet, you can improve your overall energy levels and reduce the amount of sleep you need.

Genetic Complexity in Food

The concept of genetic complexity in food refers to how easily the body can process and integrate the genetic material found in the food we eat. Foods that come from sources with simpler genetic structures, such as plants, are easier for the body to digest and assimilate. On the other hand, foods from more complex sources, such as mammals, can be more challenging for the body to process.

When we consume animals, particularly mammals, we are ingesting not only their physical bodies but also the complex genetic information they carry. This can leave traces in our own bodies that are difficult to integrate and may affect our overall well-being. By choosing simpler foods, such as vegetables and fruits, we can help our bodies function more efficiently.

Conclusion: The Best Non-Vegetarian Option

For those who choose to include non-vegetarian options in their diet, it’s advisable to select foods that are genetically simpler and less similar to humans. Fish, for example, is a non-vegetarian option that is relatively simple in terms of genetic complexity. It is easier for the body to process and has a minimal impact on both the body and mind. By making thoughtful choices about what you eat, you can enhance your life’s potential, both physically and mentally. Eating right and sleeping less for students


  1. Why is it important to chew food thoroughly?
    • Chewing food thoroughly aids in digestion by allowing enzymes in saliva to begin breaking down the food, leading to better nutrient absorption and less strain on the digestive system.
  2. How can diet impact sleep needs?
    • A balanced diet rich in nutrients and low in processed foods can improve the body’s efficiency, potentially reducing the amount of sleep needed to feel rested and alert.
  3. What are live foods, and why are they important?
    • Live foods are fresh, raw foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and sprouts. They are important because they are rich in enzymes, vitamins, and minerals that help maintain high energy levels and reduce inertia.
  4. What does genetic complexity in food mean?
    • Genetic complexity in food refers to how difficult it is for the body to process and integrate the genetic material from the food we eat. Simpler foods, like plants, are easier to process, while more complex foods, like mammals, can be more challenging.
  5. Why should I consider eating more raw foods?
    • Eating more raw foods can help maintain energy levels, improve digestion, and reduce the need for sleep by providing the body with essential nutrients in their most natural form


By understanding the importance of food as fuel for both the body and mind, we can make choices that enhance our lives. Whether it’s through choosing the right diet, improving digestion, reducing sleep needs, or opting for simpler, live foods, the impact of our food choices is profound. By making these changes, we can lead more active, focused, and fulfilling lives. Eating right and sleeping less for students

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